Not much to say today except that I got a major bug and got busy in the kitchen. I saw this on
a whisk and a spoon awhile back and have been meaning to try it out. And I was working with egg white anyways the other day and decided to use the yolks to make the creme anglaise. Today I made the poached meringues that you see below. I didn't make the caramel that went on it but only cause I didn't feel like dirtying another pot. Like I said, I was busy in the kitchen today and that means dirty dishes too.

It was very yummy and my mom enjoyed two bowls of it. But then again, caramel was involved.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.
--John Donne
I've never had floating islands. Are you gonna post the recipe?
I texted you! Dinner is veggie lasagna with homemade breadsticks! Josh said if you want any kind of beer or anything special to drink, he'll pick something up on his way over. :)
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